Thursday, May 20, 2010

california grrrrls

we're back!
allow me to explain, the school year is almost over and summer's almost here.
for me anyway, i had more important things to write about. like the importance of music in major works of literature and so-on.

sperry's from my dad!
personalized charmbracelet from my mom!
NYLON from my bestfriend!
painting from my boyfriend!

& something i'd like to clear up about this blog in case you guys don't understand, we AREN'T trying to be the MOST fabulous and well-dressed people in the whole web! we know we're not! we're just trying to dress nicely for a LOW-BUDGET. afterall, we're two 17 year old that live in suburbs.
we're just trying to show how having no money can be fashionable!... believe it or not.
ANYWAY! i think we're going to get better at posting, especially because... IT'S PRACTICALLY SUMMER!

my birthday was the 14th of may! so that was coool, other than that just a lot of homework, projects, trips to disneyland, and unneeded fights.

oh and lastly, i owe someone an apology! you know who you are ;)